CESN platform


The CESN (Centre d'Etude des Substances Naturelles) focuses on chemical ecology applied to biotic and abiotic interactions in the fields of ecology, the environment and health.

The staff associated with the platform seek to characterize the influence of environmental factors on the metabolic expression of a partner in a defined ecosystem. They contribute to understanding the mechanisms involved in pathogenic or beneficial interactions such as symbioses (mutualistic or associative). Research projects can lead to applications in the fields of animal and plant health, and biocontrol.

Illustration partie Présentation CESN

The platform develops skills in :

  • targeted and non-targeted metabolomics of plant, microbial and animal extracts (primary and secondary metabolism)
  • bio-guided fractionation and structural analysis
  • development of an HRMS and UV database of secondary metabolites 
  • chemical characterization and evaluation of the biological role of natural substances

The platform has the skills and technical resources required for metabolomics approaches, from the extraction of metabolites from biological and environmental matrices to chemical analysis and data processing.

Our procedure for metabolic studies:

Workflow metabolomic CESN

How to find us :

CESN platform activities are open to academic and private partners.

For further information, please contact the generic address: cesn@univ-lyon1.fr