Key Projects - RHIZO

Project SymbiLoss (ANR JCJC 2022-2026)

Adaptation of non-mycorrhizal plants to the loss of an ancestral symbiosis: what role does the root microbiota play in their phosphorus nutrition?


The vast majority of terrestrial plants exploit arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis to supplement their phosphorus nutrition. However, there are some so-called 'non-mycorrhizal' plants that have 'lost' the ability to establish this ancestral symbiosis. In SymbiLoss, we hypothesize that these non-mycorrhizal plants have adapted to the loss of the MA symbiosis by establishing new microbial nutritional partnerships favoring their P nutrition, notably with beneficial 'pseudo-mycorrhizal' fungi. To address these issues, we are developing a new method for monitoring microbial P mobilization in the rhizosphere. Coordinator: J. Almario

Project WeedsBiocontrol (ANR EcoPhyto 2020-2024)


The WeedsBiocontrol project ( aims to develop bacterial biocontrol products capable of limiting the negative impact of parasitic plants such as broomrape on crops. The identification of metabolites (within the CESN platform) that inhibit the germination of broomrape is one of the project's central axes. This project is being developed in collaboration with the SME GreenCell (formerly Biovitis; Coordinator : C. Prigent-Combaret


Project SupressSoil (ANR Biodiversa 2020-2024) 

This project (Biodiversa aims to understand the molecular and ecological processes involved in soil resistance to diseases caused by pathogenic fungi, based on field situations in Germany, Switzerland, Serbia and France. Coordinator: Y. Moënne-Loccoz

Project Lascaux (DRAC 2020-2024)

The Lascaux project aims to understand the microbial functioning of the Lascaux cave, including the role of rhizospheric bacteria carried from the soil into the cave and likely to limit the development of fungi via mechanisms of action usually studied in a phytoprotection context. Coordinator: Y. Moënne-Loccoz​​​​​​​