LEM lab

The Microbial Ecology Laboratory, where microbiology, ecology and the environment meet.

Our research focuses on microorganisms:

  • interactions between microorganisms and other organisms,
  •  relationships between microorganisms and their environment,
  •  adaptation of microorganisms to environmental conditions and global change.

The activities of the 7 research teams (see the "Research teams" pages for more information)


are organised around 3 scientific fronts, covering areas of study ranging from molecules to ecosystems:

These activities are supported by several technical platforms and several collections of micro-organisms (see the "Support Structures" page).


LEM gathers:

- 69 permanent staff (researchers, associate and full professors, research engineers, assistant engineers and technicians) employed by 4 supervisory bodies:
        * Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
        * CNRS
        * INRAE
        * VetAgro Sup
- 40 to 50 non-permanent staff (post-docs, PhD students, Master students, short-term contracts).
Clic here for a simplified organisation chart OR here for a complete organization chart.
Teaching is an important part of our activities (see the "Teaching" page).

LEM is based at 3 sites in the Lyon area:


- Campus LyonTech La Doua in Villeurbanne
- Campus Rockefeller in Lyon 8ième
- Campus VetAgroSup in Marcy L’étoile.


The LEM's research activities are funded by:


Several LEM doctoral students receive CIFRE thesis funding, thanks to companies:
