On this home page you will find the latest news about LEM.

Browse through our different sections to find out more about the components of the laboratory!


The Microbial Ecology Laboratory, where microbiology, ecology and the environment meet.

Our research focuses on microorganisms:

  •     interactions between microorganisms and other organisms,
  •     relationships between microorganisms and their environment,
  •     adaptation of microorganisms to environmental conditions and global change.

19 July 2024

By: com

Post-doc position BPOE 2024

Post-doc position
LEM barbecue, 8th of July, from noon
LEM get-together, 24 & 25 June, Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse
CDD Ingénieur d'études, 12 mois, renouvelable, "Plant Microbiome Resilience"

Scientific events

All the events
05 07
05 July 2024
14h - Amphithéatre 4 - Déambulatoire, Campus de la Doua
Soutenance de thèse Adrian LAUTREY
11 07
11 July 2024
13h30 - Amphi ISTIL (Bâtiment Polytech)
Soutenance de thèse Aurélien CROZE
19 07
19 July 2024
14h - Amphi Marie Curie, Campus de la Doua
Soutenance de thèse Cédric BERAUD